Tuesday, July 10, 2012


This is just an assortment of monkeys

Cheeky ones

A baby one

A silly one

and finally a scary one

Monday, July 9, 2012

A temple on the beach

Some more shots of Bali this time of a temple on the beach

When I was taking this photo I was really missing Mrs Finki at the time and there was so much 
romance in the air.

Thursday, July 5, 2012

A kind soul

This gentleman had been cleaning the road in front of his compound

 His face had the kindest look I had seen all day

Monday, July 2, 2012

"Hello whats your name?"

"Halo, Whats your name?"

That was the most common sound as I Cycled through the villages of Bali. It was fascinating that each village would specialize in a certain skill for example they might build temple parts or a whole village that makes paintings and the next village would carve wood.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

A Trip Abroad!

Well its taken a little time ... okay a long time for my next post.
Actually over a year, I've just been a little lost with the daily grind I guess,
I've still been taking pics but not for fun more for the wife's business.
I had a trip over seas and whilst there I filled 2 memory cards with pics that will grace my humble blog. If anyone still comes to see it after my lack of posts.

I just loved the joy in the faces of all involved and the fact that the adult was almost glowing with the happiness of the kids on board.

I will endeavor to upload posts on a regular basis.